Friday 24 October 2008

OK so I’ve had no updates for a while because I’ve been off work for a week due to fever. Not good.

But now I’m back and have joined with both Anja’s group and Daryl’s.

Anja’s film is based off of a true story of a girl who tries to create 1000 paper cranes so she can be granted a wish. She is terminally ill and the film follows how the girl used to enjoy running when she was healthy and her trying to create these cranes in hospital whilst dying.

Daryl’s film is some little comic relief in comparison.

Daryl’s film is about a wacky Professor who, every show, presents his scientific knowledge within a particular area. In this film he is sharing his knowledge of Dentistry. Throughout the film he explains this knowledge and tries to demonstrate it on his friend Bort. Although, the Professor clearly shows he isn’t very good with the practical side of science and makes quite a few comical errors.

Also I have started a little research into these.

Although this short film is meant to be set at an older period of time compared to Daryl’s film I think it still can give a few good ideas on how to the show could be shown. I think this (fake) programme introduces what it is about well and the acting is quite nice to look into. This type of acting could be quite useful to look at, especially for example bits such as him putting his coat on at the same time as introducing the advertisement.

This, again, shows a nice use of acting that helps it show how amateur it is, and unpractised. Using this type or acting for Daryl’s show could be nice to show its ‘live’ style; showing mistakes and bloopers, but continuing on anyway. I like the way the actor does this a bit in this video where it seems like it’s ended but there is still some running time before the show starts, so he’s silent until he realises, then repeats himself again then introduces the show.

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