Thursday 23 April 2009

Thursday 23rd April

Showed Anja possible fisheye lens effect for shot that she wanted from after effects. Added some animation to fish at beginning. Anja wanted fish to slowly move towards each other then sway for a little bit before swimming away. She also wanted the fish to sway its fins on the spot. This is of course unrealistic for the actual behaviour of a fish but Anja wanted this regardless. As I have already used a motion path, it is possible for me to extend the motion path and adjust at either end of the curve, although this has proved quite difficult to do properly and requires quite a lot of care and precision in order to preserve the animation that is already their, but it is definately possible.

Other than this Me and Heba were not given any texturing to do, even though we were asked to meet up for this. Instead we only gave our input to her work and she wanted nothing else for us.

Back to Daryls project I guess..

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