Wednesday 13 May 2009

Today I decided that Sam’s intro was great, but really wasn’t good enough for our film... simply because it looks to modern for our film.

In order to make sure I asked a few members of our group again whether changing it was worth it. Daryl wasn’t too bothered about Sam's design either way, he thought it looked good as it was but did agree with my comments. I asked Elisha also and she too thought that it wouldn’t fit with the style of our film.

I came up with an idea where we can still use most of the assets of Sam’s film so it wasn’t wasted time on Sam’s part but also fits in place with our film more. This was that the film could start off playing on an old 50s television set in black and white and a fuzzy screen. It would then zoom literally into the screen where it will then look straight through the ‘cameras’ of the broadcasting stage. Basically zooming back into our original animation.

This idea was helped from a previous group meeting we had with Kieron Dennis a while ago when showing him our storyboards/animatics of our progress with story ideas. He helped us brainstorm several ideas in several areas of the film, one being that the film could be entirely on an old television set. Although we didn’t catch on to the idea at the time it is obvious that it helped me come up with this idea for a new intro at this stage.

Daryl agreed that I could start working on the assets for this intro when I have time.

We knew that it is getting late to change things, especially considering the film isn’t near completion yet, but I still feel strongly that a different approach like this needs to be taken in order for our film to fit together well.

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